Wow, I have not posted forever. I have thought about it several times just haven't done it. So this post is dedicated to all the people that have mentioned that I have not updated in a while. This is for you!!! With Aarons basketball, my volleyball, coed volleyball, working for Concord, doing shirts, Aaron working for UPS, young womans, and I think I am forgetting something. Oh yeah two little kids to take care of we have been busy. Life has been good just very busy. Aaden and Aadie are getting so big. Aaden turned 3 last week and Addie is almost 10 months. Time is just flying. With everything else going on we started on our house. Can I just say how excited I am about that. I am ecstatic. My dad and Aaron have worked hard so far. We still have a long ways to go but with every step I get more excited. Our goal is to be in before Christmas. So we will see. We are doing most of the work ourselves so it is slow but in the long run will be so worth it. Below are some pictures of the Coors future home and out little kiddos!!!