HAIR!!! My two favorite guys in my life have been growing their hair out for about 5 months.

In October Aaron said he wasn't going to cut his hair until his birthday. Well his birthday is on Wednesday and today was the day his hair dresser(Aleesa) was in town so it got cut.

Last week I asked Aaden why he was ignoring me when I asked him to do something and he looked at me and said, "Mom, my hair is so long and covers my ears that I can't hear you." I am not sure where he gets this stuff but after he told me that and I controlled my self from laughing I told him that he was getting his hair cut. Every time he talked to Aunt Aleesa he asked her when she was coming because he needed his hair cut because his hair was terrible. To be honest I was getting used to his hair longer and was kind of sad to cut it, but we can always grow it out again. Plus, he looks so cute with his new due!!!


This is all of Aadens Hair!

Addie still has a ton of hair but we will continue to let her's grow out. She has already had her bangs cut once. They need to be cut again but that will have to be next time Aleesa has time to cut hair!!!